Kings & Kweens: Shopify Site Build For A Local Podcast Experience


Kings & Kweens (The Date Night Podcast) is a a blind speed dating series produced by @thebackpocketproductions. They where looking to have a Shopify website built before their live event took place in Denver to connect with their fans and help sell tickets.


They needed a site that could help them promote their upcoming live event in Denver and sell tickets online. They wanted the website to be easy to use and navigate and promote their listening channels, with emphasis on Twitch.


We developed a website that met all of their requirements. Featuring the podcast's branding and color scheme. The website was optimized for mobile devices, making it easy for fans to purchase tickets from their smartphones or tablets.

Desktop site preview above. Click here to view full site.


The website helped Kings & Kweens (The Date Night Podcast) sell out their two live shows in Denver. The website also received over 1,000 unique visitors in the month of the event. The podcast hosts were able to engage with their fans and promote the event on social media, which helped to build buzz and anticipation leading up to the event.